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<!DOCTYPE html> <!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public - License, v. 2.0. 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background-size: 50%; background-position: center; margin-inline-end: 10px; transition: background-color 150ms cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.95, 0, 1); }, .download.highlight-button-cancel, .download.highlight-button-download, .download.highlight-button-copy { background-image: url("chrome://browser/content/screenshots/download.svg"); }, .download.highlight-button-cancel:hover, .download.highlight-button-download:hover, .download.highlight-button-copy:hover { background-color: #ededf0; }, .download.highlight-button-cancel:active, .download.highlight-button-download:active, .download.highlight-button-copy:active { background-color: #dedede; } .button.share, .share.highlight-button-cancel, .share.highlight-button-download, .share.highlight-button-copy { background-image: url("../img/icon-share.svg"); } .button.share:hover, .share.highlight-button-cancel:hover, .share.highlight-button-download:hover, .share.highlight-button-copy:hover { background-color: #ededf0; },,,, .button.share:active, .share.highlight-button-cancel:active, .share.highlight-button-download:active, .share.highlight-button-copy:active { background-color: #dedede; 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} .loader { background: rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.2); border-radius: 2px; height: 4px; overflow: hidden; position: relative; width: 200px; } .loader-inner { animation: bounce infinite alternate 1250ms cubic-bezier(0.7, 0, 0.3, 1); background: #45a1ff; border-radius: 2px; height: 4px; transform: translateX(-40px); width: 50px; } @keyframes bounce { 0% { transform: translateX(-40px); } 100% { transform: translate(190px); } } @keyframes fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } @keyframes pop { 0% { transform: scale(1); } 97% { transform: scale(1.04); } 100% { transform: scale(1); } } @keyframes pulse { 0% { opacity: 0.3; transform: scale(1); } 70% { opacity: 0.25; transform: scale(1.04); } 100% { opacity: 0.3; transform: scale(1); } } @keyframes slide-left { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: translate3d(160px, 0, 0); } 100% { opacity: 1; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); } } @keyframes bounce-in { 0% { opacity: 0; transform: scale(1); } 60% { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1.02); } 100% { transform: scale(1); } } .mover-target { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; pointer-events: auto; position: absolute; z-index: 5; } .highlight, .mover-target { background-color: transparent; background-image: none; } .mover-target, .bghighlight { border: 0; } .hover-highlight { animation: fade-in 125ms forwards cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.95, 0, 1); background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2); border-radius: 1px; pointer-events: none; position: absolute; z-index: 10000000000; } .hover-highlight::before { border: 2px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4); bottom: 0; content: ""; inset-inline-start: 0; position: absolute; inset-inline-end: 0; top: 0; } /* When prefers contrast is fully supported, we should change these quereies to cover both high and low prefers contrast cases */ @media (forced-colors: active) { .hover-highlight { background-color: white; opacity: 0.2; } } .mover-target.direction-topLeft { cursor: nwse-resize; height: 60px; left: -30px; top: -30px; width: 60px; } .mover-target.direction-top { cursor: ns-resize; height: 60px; inset-inline-start: 0; top: -30px; width: 100%; z-index: 4; } .mover-target.direction-topRight { cursor: nesw-resize; height: 60px; right: -30px; top: -30px; width: 60px; } .mover-target.direction-left { cursor: ew-resize; height: 100%; left: -30px; top: 0; width: 60px; z-index: 4; } .mover-target.direction-right { cursor: ew-resize; height: 100%; right: -30px; top: 0; width: 60px; z-index: 4; } .mover-target.direction-bottomLeft { bottom: -30px; cursor: nesw-resize; height: 60px; left: -30px; width: 60px; } .mover-target.direction-bottom { bottom: -30px; cursor: ns-resize; height: 60px; inset-inline-start: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 4; } .mover-target.direction-bottomRight { bottom: -30px; cursor: nwse-resize; height: 60px; right: -30px; width: 60px; } .mover-target:hover .mover { transform: scale(1.05); } .mover { background-color: #fff; border-radius: 50%; box-shadow: 0 0 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); height: 16px; opacity: 1; position: relative; transition: transform 125ms cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.95, 0, 1); width: 16px; } .small-selection .mover { height: 10px; width: 10px; } .direction-topLeft .mover, .direction-left .mover, .direction-bottomLeft .mover { left: -1px; } .direction-topLeft .mover, .direction-top .mover, .direction-topRight .mover { top: -1px; } .direction-topRight .mover, .direction-right .mover, .direction-bottomRight .mover { right: -1px; } .direction-bottomRight .mover, .direction-bottom .mover, .direction-bottomLeft .mover { bottom: -1px; } .bghighlight { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); position: absolute; z-index: 9999999999; } /* When prefers contrast is fully supported, we should change these quereies to cover both high and low prefers contrast cases */ @media (forced-colors: active) { .bghighlight { background-color: black; opacity: 0.7; } } .preview-overlay { align-items: center; background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7); display: flex; height: 100%; justify-content: center; inset-inline-start: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 9999999999; } /* When prefers contrast is fully supported, we should change these quereies to cover both high and low prefers contrast cases */ @media (forced-colors: active) { .preview-overlay { background-color: black; opacity: 0.7; } } .precision-cursor { cursor: crosshair; } .highlight { border-radius: 1px; border: 2px dashed rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8); box-sizing: border-box; cursor: move; position: absolute; z-index: 9999999999; } /* When prefers contrast is fully supported, we should change these quereies to cover both high and low prefers contrast cases */ @media (forced-colors: active) { .highlight { border: 2px dashed white; opacity: 1.0; } } .highlight-buttons { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; bottom: -58px; position: absolute; inset-inline-end: 5px; z-index: 6; } .bottom-selection .highlight-buttons { bottom: 5px; } .left-selection .highlight-buttons { inset-inline-end: auto; inset-inline-start: 5px; } .highlight-buttons > button { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.1), 0 2px 8px rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.1); } .highlight-button-cancel { margin: 5px; width: 40px; } .highlight-button-download { margin: 5px; width: auto; font-size: 18px; } .highlight-button-download img { height: 16px; width: 16px; } .highlight-button-download:-moz-locale-dir(rtl) { flex-direction: reverse; } .highlight-button-download img:-moz-locale-dir(ltr) { padding-inline-end: 8px; } .highlight-button-download img:-moz-locale-dir(rtl) { padding-inline-start: 8px; } .highlight-button-copy { margin: 5px; width: auto; } .highlight-button-copy img { height: 16px; width: 16px; } .highlight-button-copy:-moz-locale-dir(rtl) { flex-direction: reverse; } .highlight-button-copy img:-moz-locale-dir(ltr) { padding-inline-end: 8px; } .highlight-button-copy img:-moz-locale-dir(rtl) { padding-inline-start: 8px; } .pixel-dimensions { position: absolute; pointer-events: none; font-weight: bold; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "segoe ui", "helvetica neue", helvetica, ubuntu, roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 70%; color: #000; text-shadow: -1px -1px 0 #fff, 1px -1px 0 #fff, -1px 1px 0 #fff, 1px 1px 0 #fff; } .preview-buttons { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: flex-end; padding-inline-end: 4px; inset-inline-end: 0; width: 100%; position: absolute; height: 60px; border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0; background: rgba(249, 249, 250, 0.8); top: 0; border: 1px solid rgba(249, 249, 250, 0.2); border-bottom: 0; box-sizing: border-box; } .preview-image { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; margin: 24px auto; position: relative; max-width: 80%; max-height: 95%; text-align: center; animation-delay: 50ms; display: flex; } .preview-image-wrapper { background: rgba(249, 249, 250, 0.8); border-radius: 0 0 4px 4px; display: block; height: auto; max-width: 100%; min-width: 320px; overflow-y: scroll; padding: 0 60px; margin-top: 60px; border: 1px solid rgba(249, 249, 250, 0.2); border-top: 0; } .preview-image-wrapper > img { box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.1), 0 2px 8px rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.1); height: auto; margin-bottom: 60px; max-width: 100%; width: 100%; } .fixed-container { align-items: center; display: flex; flex-direction: column; height: 100vh; justify-content: center; inset-inline-start: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; pointer-events: none; position: fixed; top: 0; width: 100%; } .face-container { position: relative; width: 64px; height: 64px; } .face { width: 62.4px; height: 62.4px; display: block; background-image: url("chrome://browser/content/screenshots/icon-welcome-face-without-eyes.svg"); } .eye { background-color: #fff; width: 10.8px; height: 14.6px; position: absolute; border-radius: 100%; overflow: hidden; inset-inline-start: 16.4px; top: 19.8px; } .eyeball { position: absolute; width: 6px; height: 6px; background-color: #000; border-radius: 50%; inset-inline-start: 2.4px; top: 4.3px; z-index: 10; } .left { margin-inline-start: 0; } .right { margin-inline-start: 20px; } .preview-instructions { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; animation: pulse 125mm cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.95, 0, 1); color: #fff; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "segoe ui", "helvetica neue", helvetica, ubuntu, roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 24px; line-height: 32px; text-align: center; padding-top: 20px; width: 400px; user-select: none; } .cancel-shot { background-color: transparent; cursor: pointer; outline: none; border-radius: 3px; border: 1px #9b9b9b solid; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "segoe ui", "helvetica neue", helvetica, ubuntu, roboto, noto, arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-top: 40px; padding: 10px 25px; pointer-events: all; } .all-buttons-container { display: flex; flex-direction: row-reverse; background: #f5f5f5; border-radius: 2px; box-sizing: border-box; height: 80px; padding: 8px; position: absolute; inset-inline-end: 8px; top: 8px; box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.1), 0 2px 8px rgba(12, 12, 13, 0.1); } .all-buttons-container .spacer { background-color: #c9c9c9; flex: 0 0 1px; height: 80px; margin: 0 10px; position: relative; top: -8px; } .all-buttons-container button { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-direction: column; justify-content: flex-end; color: #3e3d40; background-color: #f5f5f5; background-position: center top; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 46px 46px; border: 1px solid transparent; cursor: pointer; height: 100%; min-width: 90px; padding: 46px 5px 5px; pointer-events: all; transition: border 150ms cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.95, 0, 1), background-color 150ms cubic-bezier(0.07, 0.95, 0, 1); white-space: nowrap; } .all-buttons-container button:hover { background-color: #ebebeb; border: 1px solid #c7c7c7; } .all-buttons-container button:active { background-color: #dedede; border: 1px solid #989898; } .all-buttons-container .full-page { background-image: url("chrome://browser/content/screenshots/menu-fullpage.svg"); } .all-buttons-container .visible { background-image: url("chrome://browser/content/screenshots/menu-visible.svg"); } @keyframes pulse { 0% { transform: scale(1); } 50% { transform: scale(1.06); } 100% { transform: scale(1); } } @keyframes fade-in { 0% { opacity: 0; } 100% { opacity: 1; } } </style> <title></title> </head> <body><div class="bghighlight" style="top: 0px; height: 98px; left: 0px; width: 100%;"></div><div class="bghighlight" style="top: 98px; height: 1055px; left: 0px; width: 248.5px;"></div><div class="bghighlight" style="top: 98px; height: 1055px; left: 1064.5px; width: calc(100% - 1064.5px);"></div><div class="bghighlight" style="top: 1153px; height: calc(-1153px + 100vh); left: 0px; width: 100%;"></div><div class="highlight bottom-selection" style="top: 98px; left: 248.5px; height: 1055px; width: 816px;"><div class="highlight-buttons"><button class="highlight-button-cancel" title="Cancel"><img src="chrome://browser/content/screenshots/cancel.svg"></button><button class="highlight-button-copy" title="Copy screenshot to clipboard"><img src="chrome://browser/content/screenshots/copy.svg"><span>Copy</span></button><button class="highlight-button-download" title="Download screenshot"><img src="chrome://browser/content/screenshots/download-white.svg">Download</button></div><div class="mover-target direction-topLeft"><div class="mover"></div></div><div class="mover-target direction-top"><div class="mover"></div></div><div class="mover-target direction-topRight"><div class="mover"></div></div><div class="mover-target direction-left"><div class="mover"></div></div><div class="mover-target direction-right"><div class="mover"></div></div><div class="mover-target direction-bottomLeft"><div class="mover"></div></div><div class="mover-target direction-bottom"><div class="mover"></div></div><div class="mover-target direction-bottomRight"><div class="mover"></div></div></div></body></html>