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Lawrence Memorial District Library


Come to your local library, Lawrence Memorial District Library at 107 North Main Street, we have TV DVD series. Come by for your binge watching. We have the old and new, we are processing to allow you the patron to take series out in the entirety of a season. Alone with that we are adding series and welcome your input as to what series that you would like in your library. Come buy and see the news addition Tulsa King season1 with season 2 ordered.

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Location & Hours

Lawrence Memorial District Library Location Photo
Lawrence Memorial District LibraryMain Branch
107 N. Main St., Climax, MI 49034

Monday - Wednesday: 1 pm  - 6 pm

Thursday: 10 am  - 6 pm

Saturday: 9am - 12pm

Closed Fridays and Sunday

Dolly Parton Imagination Library

Dolly Parton Imagination Library

Dolly Parton's Imagination Library is a book gifting program that mails free, high-quality books to children from birth to age five, no matter their family's income.